Prof. Jyoti Bachani
Saint Mary's College of California, USA
Prof. Asha Bhandarkar
International Management Institute New Delhi, India
Business for profit-making or stakeholder value maximization is the old story. This track is for those who want a new story. The United Nations’ Strategic Development Goals and Principles of Responsible Management Education are promoting the need for new approaches. Business schools attract some of the best minds in any country, and yet most business schools are replicating programs developed in a handful of Western countries. In an era of political, economic, social and technical changes around the world, how to enable pluralistic approaches to business and management? MBAs are future leaders and a colonized mindset of simply serving the corporates is not adequate training, to reap the population dividend from it’s youthful population.
The Humanistic Management approach offers a pluralistic approach to new stories of business, united along the core agenda of protecting human dignity and promoting social well-being. Some of these are:
conscious capitalism, benefit corporations, zero-waste approaches, the post-capitalistic society, mindfulness, authentic and savoir-faire leadership, intellectual shamans, human flourishing and well being in the workplace, gender equality, happiness and even love in the workplace, poverty reduction, access to opportunity, sustainability, climate change, promoting social justice, anti-corruption, organizational aesthetics, positive organizational psychology, diversity and inclusion, use of arts in humanizing management, and many others. If you have ever wondered and written about any of these or similar topics that may be specifically relevant in the Indian context, then submit your article to this track. We are also interested in hearing India specific approaches to business management, say, about India's role on the global stage, or the influence of country’s history and cultural traditions, the impact of religion and spiritual traditions, in how there may be many other stories of business. Please submit your article to this track to exchange ideas around these humanistic themes. Connect with one of the track chairs, if that helps.