Prof. Anand G
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode
Prof. Rachna Shah
Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesotta, UK
This track brings together leading researchers and practicing managers to exchange and share their experiences and research related to the 'art and science of making decisions'. We solicit abstracts that describe how employees, managers and firms make decisions using quantitative, behavioral or empirical models. We also encourage abstracts that focus on how and why firms adopt and use decision support systems in organizational or online contexts, and study their implications. We are particularly interested in biases that impact decision making. All contexts (e.g., humanitarian, healthcare delivery, etc...) and industry settings (e.g., manufacturing shop floor, retail service, online communities, etc...) are welcome.
Examples of topic areas include, but are not limited to:
1.Big data and analytics as applied in Decision Science context
2.Decision Science in digital collaboration
3.Role of decision sciences in Industry 4.0 context
4.Global and cross-cultural issues in decision making
5.Human behavior and decision making
6.DSS adoption, implementation, diffusion, continuance, and discontinuance
7.Decision making in crowdsourcing environments
8.Decision making in social media and online communities.